Episode 35
Nourishing Our Lived Experiences
In this episode, Lyndsay Soprano and Adrien Paczosa, RD, LD, CDERD-S talk about nourishing our bodies and the importance of food in our lives. They talk about her company, Nourish, an Austin-based wellness company focused on personalized nutrition counseling specializing in disordered eating, gut health, and auto-immune conditions.
Soprano has suffered from disordered eating for many years and is just starting to wrap her mind around what it’s going to take to start nourishing her body in a healthy way and to help her heal on this CRPS journey.
Paczosa not only discusses her company and how they can help with your nutrition but talks about the importance of finding a dietician that supports all aspects of your journey with food physically and mentally through counseling clients. Not just on what to eat, but the why behind it all.
They discuss the dangers of diet culture, the role of food in the recovery of pain and its management, and how our LIVED EXPERIENCES have put a lot of us into our own healthcare crisis.
AND they take most insurance plans to boot. Chronic pain patients can appreciate how much of a WIN that is since we all are spending small fortunes to help keep us truckin’ along!
Everything starts with food. Let’s begin together.
You can find Nourish and Adrien Paczosa online:
Let’s get to the heart of how to heal. With you by my side.
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